Set Apart Classes so You can Grow towards Yehovah
First Fruits / Counting the Omer begins Sundown April 27 to Sundown June 15th
FREE information so you can transform yourself in 49 days.
Email us at We add you to an email listing that gets emailed ONCE a week with everything you need to spend time with Yehovah. The email will include Links to Videos and other information, Prayer PDFs, encouragement, worship songs and more. The accountablility (time) is between Yah and you. Think you don't have time? What do you think happens when you ignor the world and focus on the Creator of the Universe, Yehovah? When you focus on HIM, he takes care of what you ignored. Don't believe the enemies lies about your time. Make a decesion today to focus on Yah and trust him to take care of YOU! Pray, Listen and Obey.
Some topics that will facilitate Set-Apartness / Consecratiion include:
- Fasting
- Prayers
- Confessions
- Repentance
- Renounce
- Denounce
- Forgiveness
- Praise
- Worship
- Spiritual Deliverance
- Spiritual Warfare