HRAF Hebraic Roots Aviv Fellowship
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Tenets of Faith ~ What We Believe
The Apostles Creed

"The original "Apostles' Creed" just didn't do justice to the life and ministry of Yeshua — so Michael Rood made a new one. With more than 30 definite statements derived from Genesis to Revelation, The New Apostles' Creed declares what "We Believe" as Torah-observant followers of Yeshua!

We believe God created paradise on the earth for mankind giving Adam complete dominion with but one prohibition.

We believe Adam willingly relinquished his dominion to Satan bringing death and suffering into the world and thus initiating the creator's righteous recourse in redeeming his creation.

We believe the creator of the universe reveal himself to Moses as hahove (ההווה), vehaya (והיה), veyavo (ויבא) (Hebrew for) he who was, he who is, and he who will forever be. His people are commanded to call on him and to declare their solemn vows by his eternal memorial name Yehovah.

We believe Yehovah brought the descendants of Israel and a mixed multitude of gentiles out of Egypt with a mighty display of power so the entire world would know his name. Moses led us through the red sea to Mount Sinai in Midian. Where Yehovah offered to make us a nation of priests and kings.

We believe Yehovah shouted down his ten commandments and entered into a blood covenant with us requiring every male to go up to a designated place to keep a feast with him three times a year. Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. (AKA) Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

We believe that God rested on, sanctified, and commanded us to guard the seventh day and to keep it Holy.

We believe Moses gave commandments to which no one is allowed to add to or diminish from, so that we might keep the commandments of Yehovah rejecting the invented religions of fallen man.

We believe in Moses, who declared that God would send another prophet in the future who would speak only what he hears from the throne. That prophet we must Shema (Hebrew for) we must hear and obey.

We believe Yeshua, the descendant of King David, is the very prophet of whom Moses prophesied the one appointed to judge the disobedient.

We believe that while Moses was on the mountain receiving the stone tablets we bowed the knee to Egypt’s golden god, breaking the blood covenant and thus incurring the death penalty.

We believe that God withholding merited judgment established animal sacrifices as a continual reminder that the death penalty must be satisfied.

We believe Yeshua is the only begotten son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of Miriam, a Jewish virgin, the daughter of Yosef ben Yakov from the lineage of King David through his son Solomon.

We believe Miriam bat Yoseph was espoused to Yoseph ben Eli of the lineage of King David through his son Nathan.

We believe the Angel Gabriel appeared to both Miriam and Joseph instructing them to call the child Yeshua, salvation because he will save his people from their sins.

We believe Yeshua was born in a Sukkah, a tabernacle in the sheepfolds of Bethlehem during the feast of sukkot in the 25th year of the reign of Caesar Augustus.

We believe Yeshua was nearing but had not yet reached his 30th year when he was immersed in the Jordan river by Yohanan Ben Zechariah, John the Baptist who was sent by God to call Israel to repent for their violations of the Torah.

We believe Yohanan prophesied that one will come upon whom the Holy Spirit will remain, and he will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

We believe Yeshua's baptism initiated his 70-Week ministry which concluded on the day of Pentecost when he baptized his disciples with the Holy Spirit.

We believe the acceptable year of the lord commenced on Shavuot following his baptism and concluded on the following Shavuot the day of Pentecost.

We believe Eusebius, the personal bishop of the roman emperor Constantine, invented a three and a half year ministry, falsified Daniel’s prophecy, and named Constantine the successor of Yeshua, the pontifices maximus, and almighty God upon earth.

We believe Eusebius inserted preposterous phrases into his version of the gospels to support his exaltation of the emperor Constantine, to the position vicar of Christ.

We believe the testimony of John the Immerser, Moses, David, and the prophets and the voice from heaven Yeshua, the son of God, the prophet the lamb of God, voluntarily paid the death penalty in our place and redeemed the world from the dominion of Satan.

We believe he will return to earth as the messiah, to raise the dead, and execute judgment in the day of vengeance of our God.

We believe Yeshua the prophet we must Shema, kept the Torah, interpreted the Torah, demonstrated how to live the Torah, and will in the end fulfill all that is written of him in the Torah, the prophets, and in the Psalms.

We believe Yeshua's death was our substitution and his life is our example. Yeshua forbade and we will not adopt worldly titles of nobility, rabbi, holy father, pope, most holy reverend, your eminence, your highness, your majesty, or any exalted entitlements.

We believe Yeshua forbade his disciples from following the takanote (Hebrew for) the dogmas ordinances and commandments of man-made religion. Which he repeatedly and vehemently violated and for which repudiation, they nailed him to a roman cross.

We believe Yeshua fulfilled the one and only sign verifying his authenticity, the sign of the prophet Jonah, three days and three nights in the grave and raised on the third day.

We believe Yeshua was crucified on Passover. Which fell on Wednesday in the year 28. His dead body was placed in the grave before sundown which would begin the high sabbath of the feast of unleavened bread.

We believe Yeshua was in the tomb all Wednesday night, all Thursday night, and all Friday night.

We believe Yeshua was in the grave all Thursday, the High Sabbath of the feast all Friday. While the women prepared burial spices and all Saturday, the weekly Sabbath, while the women rested according to the commandment.

We believe Yeshua arose on the third day according to the scriptures, the weekly Sabbath just before sunset in the day of the First Fruits.

We believe that Miriam of Migdol came to the tomb before dawn on the first day of the Week and the tomb was empty.

We believe Yeshua appeared to her, forbade her to touch him, and sent her to tell his disciples that he was now ascending to the throne of God to present the First Fruits offering; the saints that he raised after his resurrection.

We believe 50 days after the First Fruits offering, in the enthronement of the 24 elders, Yeshua poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit at the feast of Shavuot/ Pentecost.

We believe Peter was the first to proclaim Yeshua as both the Prophet and the Messiah who will come again with all Power and Glory to reign as Yehovah Tzva’ot (Hebrew for) the Lord of Hosts.

We believe Yeshua will fulfill all that is written of him and the prophets. He will restore Israel to the kingdom, the tabernacle of David will be rebuilt, the ark of the covenant will be revealed, with its testimony and glory. And the Holy Spirit will be poured upon all God's children Israel, Judah, and gentile alike in the aftermath of Israel’s great war.

We believe all who call upon the name of Yehovah and his only begotten son, Yeshua, will be saved in that day.

We believe in the universal resurrection that every man will be made alive in his own order. Messiah, the First Fruits those who belong to messiah at his coming, then the end resurrection after the millennial reign of messiah on earth. When even the wicked will be raised to face judgment.

We believe Yeshua loved us sanctified us by his blood and called us to conduct ourselves as priests and kings.

We believe we shall reign with him in his millennial kingdom, in our resurrected body, according to our faithfulness while in this mortal body.

We believe the Gospel of the Kingdom that Yeshua taught must be preached in the entire world, and when the ark of his testimony is revealed, the eyes of all Israel will be opened by Yeshua.

We believe the tribulation that the Saints endure in this life will be relieved when Yeshua is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels taking vengeance on those who tribulate his Saints.

We believe the day of his glorious coming to rescue the saints will not come to pass until after the abomination of desolation. The revealing and rebellious stand of the man of sin, the son of the destroyer who sits in the tabernacle of David, on the throne of God, declaring himself to be God.

We believe that the destroyer is coming with lying signs and wonders after the great war in heaven and the casting out of Satan, the accuser of the brethren.

We believe that Yeshua commanded his disciples to go into the entire world and teach the same gospel that he taught. And that he would work with us until the end of the age.

We believe Yeshua will return to gather the Saints, fulfilling Yom Teruah, the day of trumpets.

We believe the dead will be raised with an incorruptible body; the living will be close with immortality. And we will be caught up together to the sea of fire and glass to be judged and rewarded for faithful service or judged for langer and loss.

We believe those clothed with garments of righteous acts will be called by name into the marriage supper of the lamb at the end of the feast. Yeshua will return to earth at the battle of Armageddon to incarcerate Satan and to establish his kingdom upon the earth for a thousand years.

We believe Israel will be restored to the kingdom and will inherit all the land promised to Abraham.

We believe that during his millennial reign survivors among the nations will come up to Jerusalem to worship the king messiah Yehovah Tzva’ot, the lord of hosts at the feast of Tabernacles.

We believe and this is the word concerning the faith that we preach. If we confess and obey Yeshua, as Lord, believing in our heart God raised him from the dead. We will be saved when the captain of our salvation returns to rescue us before God's wrath is poured out upon the recalcitrance of the earth.

We believe flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, but we shall all be changed at the sounding of the seventh, the last trumpet. This is our confidence we have in him; we will be saved, we will be born again.

We believe the dead remain in the grave until either the resurrection of the righteous or the last resurrection in which even the unwilling will be made alive and stand before Yeshua the righteous judge.

We believe those whose names are not found in the scroll of life will be destroyed in the lake of fire.

We believe those whose names appear in the scroll of life will inherit the new heaven and earth where the curse has ended. In where all may freely eat from the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God as it is written so it shall be done.