HRAF Hebraic Roots Aviv Fellowship
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HRAF Alliance Ministries

Hebraic Roots Aviv Fellowship finds the following Ministies are rock solid foundationally according to Yehovah's written word and the teachings of Yeshua. We have learned a great deal from each of these ministires over the last ten years. We want to thank them by connecting them to other like minded believers.

Michael Rood

A Rood Awakening

Michael Rood is an author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible — a most unique “Biblical Chronologist”.

His dig site is the Bible, and his tools are research skills gained from decades of Biblical study and the unique experience of living in Israel, surrounded by authentic-yet-dismissed historic sites that hold archaeological proof of the Bible’s most fantastic stories.

Rood’s live teachings and video presentations showcase some of the most intriguing and controversial discoveries about the Bible in modern history, all with one purpose in mind: to reveal the TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom. In fact, his 13-week television series, The Chronological Gospels, was featured on History Channel with rave reviews!

We only endorse Micheal J Rood videos of himself with his own explainations.
We continue to Pray for Micheal Rood and his complete Healing and Restoration as has been shown to us in visions and dreams. We believe and have great faith that Yehovah intends to completely and fully restore Micheal. We love you, Micheal Rood.

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Keith Johnson

Biblical Foundations Academy International

Keith Johnson ~ The vision of Biblical Foundations Academy, International began to take shape in the ancient tunnels under the Old City of Jerusalem. Seeing the massive foundation stones that support the Western Wall inspired us to begin creating material for those who are seeking a biblical foundation for their faith. Since receiving the vision in Jerusalem there have been many opportunities to provide information, inspiration, and revelation to people around the world through television, radio, books, internet, DVDs, and live presentations.

Want a real Biblical Experence in the land of Israel or other areas? Take a tour with Keith Johnson, it will change your life for the better. We have been on 2 tours with him and we are prayerful for a third tour.

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Dr. Nehemia Gordon

Nehemias Wall

Dr. Nehemia Gordon is the creator and host of the Hebrew Voices podcast, has written two popular books on the Hebrew origins of Christianity, and is active in interfaith dialogue. Gordon earned his PhD from Bar-Ilan University in Biblical Studies, writing his doctoral dissertation on the "The Writing, Erasure, and Correction of the Tetragrammaton in Medieval Hebrew Bible Manuscripts." Gordon also holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelors Degree in Archaeology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has worked as a translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls and a researcher deciphering ancient Hebrew manuscripts. Gordon is currently working on cutting edge research utilizing Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible.

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Makor Foundation

Makor Foundation

Makor is the Hebrew word for a source of water such as a fountain or natural spring. Makor Hebrew Foundation is dedicated to uncovering the Hebrew sources of the Jewish and Christian faiths. The Tanakh (“Old Testament”), the Bible of the Jews, was revealed by God in Hebrew to the prophets of ancient Israel. Much of the Christian Scriptures, the New Testament, were originally written in Hebrew or based on Hebrew sources.

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Makor Foundation

Hebrew Roots University

The Vision of Hebrew Roots University is:
To Educate believers in “the True Gospel of the Kingdom”
To Equip The Saints Worldwide for the work of Ministry
To Eradicate Biblical illiteracy
To Hasten the return of Messiah Yeshua
To Raise Up Bible-believing leaders to establish Messiah Centered Ministries Worldwide
To Teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith
To Unify the Hebrew Roots Movement

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Makor Foundation

Authur Bailey Minstries

Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey leads House of Israel Worldwide, a group of Messianic Hebrew Roots Congregations that actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith. What a Joy it is to be called a Son of Elohim (God)! Dr. Arthur Bailey is the Author of over 55 published books including “Sunday is not the Sabbath?”, now translated in seven languages, an in-depth teaching on the seventh-day Sabbath and its relevance to today’s living. Other titles include “How to Hear God’s Voice”, Offended and Offending”, The Evolution of the American Gospel”, To Tithe or Not to Tithe”. He has produced many DVD teaching series that can be found at the store. Internationally known Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey, is an anointed teacher, author, preacher and prophetic minister.

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